About Us

Social media is happening real time and if you want to stay relevant and exciting, you need to work with a team that is connected to what’s up! We are the type of people who are in-the-know, get things done and are passionate about what we do.

We can help you...
  • Establish a Professional Social Media Presence
  • Build Traffic & Grow a Customer Fan-Base
  • Create a Consistent message/voice across your brand
  • Maintain a business-to-consumer relationship online
  • Engage & Convert Traffic to Paying Customers
  • Save time & money through guidance & training...& more!

Key Team Members

Sandra Wong -  Sandra designs, produces and manages. With a 15 year career background in marketing and design, Sandra’s resume includes being merchandiser of Onvia.com, Canada’s number one start‐up in 2000 which closed a $240 Million IPO on NASDAQ. Sandra was an integral part of many public companies which included Chalk Media Corp. and Sound Revolution Inc., before design freelancing on her own. Sandra is also the co‐founder of a social network game studio, Lucky Lady Games and is well versed in rich digital media components. Sandra holds a degree in Psychology from Thompson Rivers University, a diploma in Internet Multimedia Design,  a diploma in Network Communications, a Social Media Directors Certificate and is a graduate of the Entrepreneurship program at BCIT.

Bernadette Saquibal – Bernadette is an expressive, creative entrepreneur with a passion for singing/songwriting, acting, and genuine desire for human connections.  Along with her passion for marketing, Bernadette is able to combine all these talents into implementing creative social media strategies for those looking to stick out from the crowd.  Having participated in the music industry for 15+ years and being an actor, Bernadette has witnessed changes to the entertainment world.  She knows the importance of being proactive, effective branding and the impact social media has on the players in the game.  She has a strong grasp on fan engagement, authenticity and relationship longevity.  Bernadette has studied with many of the industries finest including Next Level Studios, Tom Lee Music, Pat Pattison @ BerkleeCollege, SongStudio Intensive and Actors Foundry.  She holds a Diploma in Human Services from Vancouver Island University, Social Media Director Certificate, Social Media: Strategies, Tactics & Analytics @ UBC Sauder School of Business, and is in completion of her Psychology Degree from Thompson Rivers University.

Find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/fanbasis